Bellarine Catchment Network 5-year Strategic Plan
Bellarine Catchment Network created an inspiring strategic plan to help drive our vision and goals for the next 5 years, covering financial years from 2023-2028.
Within this plan are 3 goals aimed at activating our environmental outcomes, engaging diverse and inclusive communities, and empowering our organisation and our network. This plan was supported by the Victorian Goverment's Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Capital Grants program and Officeworks Geelong.
To read our Strategic Plan, click here.
Child Safety Policy
Bellarine Catchment Network is committed to child safety. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children. Bellarine Catchment Network has a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse, and is committed to upholding children’s best interests and keeping them safe.
We promote diversity and tolerance within our organisation, in our partnerships, in our interactions with community and in all of our child-based activities.
To read about our Child Safety Policy, please read the following documents:
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Committment to Child Safety Policy
- Code of Conduct