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Virtual Citizen Science

People all across Australia are passionate about preserving and protecting our natural environment. There are many ways to care for nature; from joining a local conservation group, revegetating your property or attending a litter clean up. At Bellarine Catchment Network, we believe that almost anybody, almost anywhere, can help care for our country by participating in virtual citizen science opportunities.

Virtual citizen science is a great way to contribute to environmental conservation. Data collected from citizen science programs can, for example; inform land managers, help us monitor plant and animal populations and can allow us to make predictions for the future. Virtual citizen science programs are becoming more popular in the form of a mobile Apps. Read the information below to find out more about just a few  virtual citizen science apps and programs that you can participate in.




birdata app, citizen scienceBirdata

The Birdata app allows volunteers and researchers to enter information about bird surveys. Created by Birdlife Australia, this app facilitates simple data entry in the field and provides basic reporting statistics. 

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit


climate watch appClimateWatch

ClimateWatch was developed by Earthwatch Australia with the Bureau of Meteorology and University of Melbourne aims to understand how changes in temperature and rainfall are affecting the seasonal behaviour of Australia's plants and animals. Contribute via photographic observations of flora and fauna.

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit


ebird appeBird

eBird is an easy way to make bird records in the field that contribute to a global online database of bird records. Data is openly available for research, education and conservation.

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit



eye on water appEyeOnWater

How healthy is our water? What does the colour indicate? Created by CSIRO, this app allows you to measurement water quality and contribute data to the EyeOnWater community.

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit



frog id appFrogID

Our frogs are under threat from habitat loss, disease and climate change. Taking part in FrogID will help provide  scientists with valuable data for the protection and conservation of frogs.

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit



great australian platypus searchGreat Australian Platypus Search

Help understand and protect an iconic Australian species by sampling eDNA from sites across Australia. eDNA refers to the traces of DNA shed into the environment. 

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit


inaturalist appiNaturalist

iNaturalist helps you identify plants and animals and helps to share biodiversity information. Get connected with a global community of scientists and nature enthusiasts. Join a project, participate in a challenge or just broaden your nature knowledge on your daily walk. 

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit


feral scan appFeralScan

Record pest animal activity in your local area to protect farms, biodiversity and communities. You can record the location of several pest animals including signs of damage and the control method that you are using. Can be usef on private or pubic land. 

Available: The App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android). Visit


seal spotter appSealSpotter

SealSpotter is portal developed by Phillip Island Nature Parks for citizen scientists to contribute to seal research. SealSpotter allows anyone with a computer to help with the management and protection of our oceans by counting seals in images captured with a drone.

Available: Visit